Friday, June 19, 2015

Our Survey

My friend, Ben, and I created a survey to find out student's opinions on matters involving lunch were.The demographics did not help us with trying to figure out what people's view on the school lunches were, but they did help give us an idea of what type of people are taking our survey. I feel that we would not have to change much in our survey, maybe a little bit of wording, because for the most part the survey had the students answer all questions we needed information about. There was no real difference between boys and girls answers. Both genders felt the same about matter for the most part and the same amount of each gender brought and bought lunch. The one question that was most telling from our survey is that all but one or two students believed that if a student has a car they should be able to leave school grounds to get their lunch. A summary of our results are majority bring lunch, at home students usually have sandwiches for lunch, students want microwaves at the school, and finally students want to be able to use their cars to get lunch. I enjoyed working with Ben and getting our work done quickly and efficiently. I also liked how we gave our own survey out to our peers who gave honest answers.

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